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Adjust grid color

Adjust grid color

Why useful?

Gridlines are very helpful to compose images. Therefore OM-D cameras have the option to adjust grid color. In the standard settings, the grid lines are grey. They can be adjusted as in some situations grey grid lines are hard to see. Therefore OM-D cameras do have the possibility to adjust the gridline color.

Screenshot showing the grids in grey are sometimes hard to see
Standard grid line are hardly visible.
Screenshot to demonstrate how a different grid color can help to see the grid
Red grid lines are better visibile.

How to adjust grid color

Menu screen shot for grid setting.

1 Go to „Custom Menu“ „D3“ and choose
„Grid Settings“ and press “OK”.

Adjust grid color menu screenshot

2 Choose „Display Color“ and press „Arrow Key Right“. Press again „Arrow Key Right“ and choose „Preset 1“. Press once again „Arrow Key Right“. 

Screenshot of the menu showing how grid color can be adjusted

3 Mix your color with the three values „R“ (red), „G“ (green), and „B“ (blue) and set transparency with α. Press „OK“ to confirm settings. Press „MENU“ to cancel settings.

In case you would like to have a second grid color you could program it on preset 2.

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