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3 Reasons for OM-1
3 Reasons for OM-1

3 Reasons for OM-1

After the introduction of the OM-1 Mark II, there was much discussion about its expensive firmware update and whether it made sense to switch from the OM-1 to the OM-1 Mark II. I have now had the opportunity to test the OM-1 Mark II extensively for almost two weeks, and I have decided to stick with the OM-1’s first version. Buying the OM-1 Mark II is out of the question for me. Here are my three reasons in favor of the OM-1.

Reason 1 – Age

I’ve owned the OM-1 for about two years, and I don’t think that’s any age to replace a camera. Not only does it make no sense from a technological point of view – more on that later – but it would also be pointless from an ecological point of view. The camera works perfectly, and the signs of wear and tear are hardly noticeable despite intensive use.

Goose in high grass

Reason 2 – Price

The OM-1 Mark II currently costs 2400 euros without lenses. That’s a lot of money for which you can afford other nice things, such as a week’s photo holiday. Why should I buy a new camera when my current one still works brilliantly and I can do everything I want to do with it? Of course, OM Digitalsolution is interested in selling something new and emphasizes the new functions that distinguish the OM-1 Mark II from the first version. But I’m too much of a Swabian for that, and they’re known to be stingy. But that’s definitely not true. On the contrary, we invest our money very wisely.

Reason 3 – Technology

The level of development of digital cameras is now quite high. All cameras on the market deliver high quality, and further development is relatively difficult for camera manufacturers. The times when each generation made a great leap in quality and/or functionality are over. As mentioned above, the OM-1 was only launched two years ago. For me, the innovations that OM Digitalsolutions emphasizes are not relevant. I have never missed a digital graduated filter. I am very satisfied with the autofocus of the OM-1, and a larger buffer makes no sense. On the contrary, I sometimes feel that taking too many pictures and sorting out the Pro Capture shots takes much time.

Schloss Redwitz aufgenommen mit der OM-1


All credit to OM Digitalsolution’s marketing, but the new features of the OM-1 Mark II compared to the OM-1 are simply too small to invest my money in. The money is better invested elsewhere. You’ll have to decide whether this applies to you, but I’m interested in your view. Why don’t you leave me a comment on what you think?

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