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Autofocus Guide OM-1 – Combine AF and MF
Autofocus Guide OM-1 – Combine AF and MF

Autofocus Guide OM-1 – Combine AF and MF

Every AF system has its limits and sooner or later you will find them out. The OM-1 always has a problem when the main subject is half obscured by something. An example of this is a bird that you want to photograph between branches. The branches often irritate the AF and if you are unlucky you will miss the picture you want to take. Many photographers who work with the OM-1 do not know that it is possible to combine AF and MF. This allows you to intervene manually if the worst comes to the worst.

Hippo in the water at sunset

How to combine AF and MF

To use this function, go to the menu and select the AF menu. On the first page you will find the option to switch on AF+MF.

Once you have done this, you can also intervene manually in any AF mode. This is particularly helpful if the AF has not found an object and is moving back and forth to find it. If you then roughly set the focus manually, you make the AF’s job easier and it gets a result faster. If you are unhappy with the AF result, you can also use this function to correct it afterwards.

Switch quickly from AF to MF

M.Zuiko Digital ED 25mm F1.2 PRO

The function mentioned above takes a little getting used to and not everyone gets on with it. There is a risk that you may accidentally switch to manual focus during shooting. As an alternative, you can also simply pull the focus ring back on the Olympus / OM System Pro lenses to switch from AF to MF. This function is activated on delivery with the OM-1. The advantage of this function is that the manual setting is saved by the camera. This means that if you focus on a different point with the AF, the camera will focus on the originally selected position when you return the ring to the MF position. If the function is switched off, you can set it again as follows

Open the menu and navigate to the AF menu, here you will find an entry “MF clutch” on the last page. Set this to “Effective”. This activates the function.

Screenshot OM-1 AF menu

This is the 6th part of my AF Guide series. You can find the other parts on the AF Guide page where I go into the various aspects of the OM-1 AF system. This will help you to better understand the system and find the right settings for your needs.

If you have any questions or requests about topics that you would like me to cover in more detail here on my website, please let me know in the comments. You can also give feedback on this and the other articles there.

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